Welcome Back

Dear YKSD Team, 

Welcome back to another school year! I hope your summer was restful and rejuvenating.  As we prepare to start school on August 19th, I look forward to another successful year together. In the coming weeks, we’ll have opportunities for professional development and collaboration. Let's use this time to connect, share ideas, and prepare for a fantastic school year. Thank you for all you do! 

Important Dates:

August 5th          Principals Return to work at the District Office

August 8th          New Teachers first day at the District Office

August 8th          Principals return to site

August 10th        New Teachers travel to site

August 12th        Returning Teachers report to work at site

August 12th        Support Staff/Hourly return to work at site

August 19th        First Day of School for Students

Kerry Boyd, YKSD Superintendent