2017 PEAKS Results

YKSD Releases District PEAKS Results in Conjunction with the State

See District wide results in Math, Science, and ELA below. 

Visit the State of Alaska's website to view statewide PEAKS testing results

The Yukon Koyukuk School District, in partnership with The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED), is working to release the spring 2017 PEAKS score. The following timeline is tentative and subject to change. 

Sept 1

Public: State of Alaska public release of state, district and school results posted on the EED PEAKS website. This posting does not include student-level scores

Sept 1-8

Student Reports: Individual student reports will be mailed to parents from the YKSD District office in Fairbanks to the address on file

Sept 29

Deadline for district distribution of reports to parents and teachers


Frequently Asked Questions from the Department of Education. Please visit the EED PEAKS website for more information. 

Information About Yearly PEAKS Testing

Each spring, schools give the statewide assessment to students in grades 3-10. This test provides students the opportunity to show their understanding of important skills in English language arts, mathematics, and science at their grade level. In most cases, YKSD students will take this assessment on a computer.

PEAKS testing window will occur between March 26 and April 27, 2018. More detailed information about spring 2018 PEAKS testing, including grade levels and windows, will be updated as it is provided by the State of Alaska.


Ways to Help Your Child

  • Talk to your child about testing. It’s helpful for children to understand why schools give tests. 

  • Encourage your child. Praise him/her for the things they do well. If your child feels confident, he/she will likely do their best on a test. Children who are afraid of failing are more likely to become anxious about test taking.

  • Ensure your child attends school regularly. Testing days are important days to be at school on time to allow for the least stressful testing experience for your child. Avoid scheduling appointments on testing days.

  • Help your child get a good night’s sleep the night before a test.

  • Eat a healthy breakfast the morning of a test. Hunger can distract a child from the task at hand.

PEAKS Frequently Asked Questions