Area Wide Student Council

FY23 AWSC Flyer

Area Wide Student Council (AWSC) grades 8-12 (we have had younger grades participate as well). Please share with your students and encourage them to join. This is a student advisory board that reports to the YKSD School Board. AWSC was established by students in 2009 to try and revive Student Government within our district. What we look for are 1or 2 student representatives from each site to represent your school and attend monthly video conference meetings. At these meetings, students share site updates, concerns, ideas or even plan events. This is a great leadership opportunity. Monthly meetings take place over VTC on Tuesdays at lunch, 12:00pm: September 20, October 4, November 4, December 6, January 10, February 7, March 7, April 4, May 2


Important dates 

September 14- AWSC student nominations due, the form is attached, students can run in the following ways.

1. You can nominate a student, student can nominate another student, or they can nominate themselves.

2. Some sites elect to have their own student council elections, in that case, 2 of your site elected officers will serve as your site representatives on the AWSC meetings monthly. 


September 20- First general meeting, members will be introduced. AWSC will have reorganization of the Board and determine the FY22 Student School Board President. 

 Additional virtual leadership opportunities for students

 This is a great leadership opportunity for your students, and good to put on their academic resume. If you have additional questions, please let me know.


Thank you,

 Kela Gillihan

AWSC Advisor



FY24 Members

President, Darian Woods

Vice President, Tristan Linus

Secretary, Jonah Semaken

Treasurer, Gabe Nollner 


Hughes- Dymond Sam

               Holly Tritt

               Ethan Bellamy

               Clayton Bergman

Nulato- No Representative

Allakaket- Tristan Linus

                   Gabe Nollner

                   Hazel Strassburg

                   Isaiah McCafferty

Kaltag- Jonah Semaken

              Avery Crosby

              Tassie Nickoli

               Allen Gubderson

Minto- No representative 

Koyukuk- Haylee Huntington

                  Sasha Dayton

                  Carter Dayton

                  Rayme Lolnitz

Ruby- Remington Wiehl

            Sidney McCarty

Huslia- No representative

Rampart- Darian Woods

                  Cheyanne Huntington

                  Geneveive Johnson

                  Ariyah Woods

Tanana- Nolan Roslansky

               Natasha Edwardsen

               Delaney Edwin