MAP Testing
Welcome to MAPS Testing FY24
This coming school year YKSD will be switching to web based MAP instead of the server based version. All MAP testing will be online and proctored by the teachers, here is important information and tutorials for you to review.
NWEA Reports Log-In. User name and password is emailed to you by NWEA.
FY24 Benchmark Windows
Fall Test Window: September 5-29, 2023
Winter Test Window: January 8 - 26, 2024
Grades K-11 Benchmark assessments each term
Grades K-2
Growth: Math K-2 AK 2012
Grades 3-5
Growth: Language 2-12 AK 2012 (Optional)
Growth: Math 2-5 AK 2012
Growth: Reading 2-5 AK 2012
Grades 6-11
Growth: Language 2-12 AK 2012 (Optional)
Growth: Math 6+ AK 2012
Growth: Reading 6+ AK 2012
MAP Essentials Proctor Tutorials
VIDEO: Proctor Quick Start (6 min) – How to start and supervise testing
VIDEO: Set Up Testing Session (11min) – Details on how to prepare and interrupt testing
If you would like to do a practice test with your students here is a link:
MAP Practice Test (Grades 3-11).
Username and Password is: grow
Additional info:
2020 Normative Data Sheet: Allow educators to compare achievement status- and changes in achievement status (growth) between test occasions- to students' performance in the same grade at a comparable stage of the school year.
MAP Growth 2020 Comparative Data
2020 Comparative Data Sheet: Use the tables as one of your data points for instructional decision making. While not intended for use as a single placement guide, these data can help inform a variety of programmatic and instructional decisions.
Proctor Tips and Troubleshooting
MAPS Reports Summary Quick Reference
Please note: These are PDF documents intended to be printed at 11x24 inches.
RIT Reference Charts: MAP Growth, MAP Growth K-2
Sample Testing Schedule
RIT Reference Chart - Language Usage
RIT Reference Chart - Math
RIT Reference Chart - Reading
RIT Reference Chart - MPG Math
RIT Reference Chart - MPG Reading
During testing window if you are experiencing technical difficulties please type in the "help" box at the top right corner of your log-in screen. You may also contact
Technical Difficulties
Chromebook: Reset the screen resolution with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + 0 (zero), then close and relaunch the testing app. For more information, see Zoom in or magnify your Chromebook screen.
River: Andrea Nield, Email Andrea Nield, 907-374-9424
Raven: Vicky Charlie, Email Vicky Charlie, 907-374-9413
NWEA Tech Support 1-877-469-3287
AK NWEA Tech Support 1-866-384-5415