Enrichment Opportunities

Battle of the Books

Type: Third Party

Sign-up Date: by October 15

Raven Office: All

 The Battle of the Books is a statewide Alaskan reading motivation and comprehension program sponsored by the Alaska Association of School Librarians. The goals of the program are to encourage and recognize students who enjoy reading, broaden reading interests, increase reading comprehension, and promote academic excellence.

Lists of books are chosen and questions are written for all grade levels. Students read the books, discuss them, quiz each other on the contents, and then compete in teams of not more than three students to correctly answer questions based on the books in a "quiz show" format. Questions begin with the words "In which book..." so that the answer will always be a title and author. Teams may participate at the local, district and state levels of competition - with the exception of K-2 students whose competition goes only through the district level.

New lists of recommended titles for each level are compiled each year by a committee of librarians and teachers based on the "Criteria for the Selection of Titles" in Appendix A. An attempt is made to vary the titles chosen according to genre and difficulty so that readers may encounter a broad range of books. At the annual AkLA conference, the official booklist for state competition for the following year is set so that planning to obtain the titles can begin.

The statewide program involves a cooperative effort by many local groups. It is popular with students and has provided new opportunities for academic competition. Battle of the Books has also proven effective in its specified purpose - to stimulate an interest in reading.

Project ARTiculate

Type: Raven

Sign-up Date: March 18

Raven Office: All

This is an opportunity for your student to try their hand at different types of art and art projects. They will learn vocabulary associated with the project as well as the history of the technique. We are currently able to offer this class free of charge to Raven students. RSVP with Monique Email Yukon-Koyukuk School District before the end of the 3rd week of the month. Open to all ages.

Travel Log to Reading: Experience Your America™

Type: Raven

When: July 1, 2017 - May 30, 2018

Raven Office: All

Reading is a skill, and practice – lots and lots of it – is the key to strong reading ability. Word count makes a BIG difference! It was found that that 5th-grade students who tested in the 10th percentile on standardized tests had read approximately 8,000 words per year, but those in the 90th percentile had read over 1.8 million words a year. It is not too difficult to bring that count up. Even an extra 10 minutes of reading a day makes an impact over the course of the year. Reading is worth it! The Travel Log to Reading is designed to encourage the habit of reading, as well as to celebrate the student’s hard work in the journey to becoming a strong and proficient reader!

Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge

Type: Third Party

When: May 8, 2016 to September 8, 2017

Office: Juneau

Take a Reading Adventure!

Calling all happy campers! Are you ready to take a reading adventure? Join the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge by grabbing your favorite books, logging your reading minutes, and most importantly, having fun all summer long!

The fun begins on May 8, 2017, and ends on September 8, 2017!

We invite you to learn more about the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge. To sign your student up and get a summer reading username, please contact us directly or visit Visit Scholastic Kids Website.

Visit Scholastic Kids Website for articles, tips, and free resources for parents. For games, book recommendations, videos and free activities for kids, Visit Scholastic Kids Website.